Clinics & Medical Services

Includes clinics and laboratory, diagnostic, therapeutic and consulting services

Medical Services

Medical services include: laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, laparhysteroscopy, varicocelectomy, sperm extraction from the testicles and epididymis (PESA/TESE), fetal sex determination, intraocular sperm injection (ICSI), embryology department and...

Care Providers

We have a great team of highly skilled, extensively experienced, and incredibly motivated care providers. We maintain an unparalleled track record to match your expectations, needs and the standards. Meet our care providers here.
Alireza Chamani

Alireza Chamani


Avicenna Fertility Center, No. 97, at the corner of the Yakhchal street, Shariati st., Tehran, Iran.

Opening Hours (International Patients)

Saturday : 8am–3pm
Sunday : 8am–3pm
Monday : 8am–3pm
Tuesday : 8am–3pm
Wednesday : 8am–3pm
Thursday : 8am–1pm