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Issue TrackingU13MSCFY
Date2022-12-05 20:16:11
QuestionI am from india looking for infertility treatment in iran done many cycle of ivf and donor but it was not helpful for me so my freind recommended me visit iran and do treatment please guide me i require egg donor treatment is it possible in iran. Do donor available for egg treatment please help me thanks
AnswerEgg Donation services are available at our clinic. For further inquiries please contact us on what's app number 00989333910757.
Avicenna Fertility Center, No. 97, at the corner of the Yakhchal street, Shariati st., Tehran, Iran.

Opening Hours (International Patients)

Saturday : 8am–3pm
Sunday : 8am–3pm
Monday : 8am–3pm
Tuesday : 8am–3pm
Wednesday : 8am–3pm
Thursday : 8am–1pm