پیدا کردن متخصص/پزشک

در این قسمت کلیه متخصصان و پزشکان مرکز درمان نمایش داده شده است.

شهرزاد هاشمی

شهرزاد هاشمی




اطلاعات تماس


درباره متخصص

دکتر شهرزاد هاشمی متخصص کنترل بارداری


  • General physician, M.D. Zanjan Province University of Medical Science and Health Services Faculty of Medicine, 1996 ‐ 2003
  • Specialty Diploma of Gynecology Tehran university Medical Science and Health Services Faculty of Medicine, 2007 – 2011 Prenatalogy Fellowship, Tehran university Medical
  • Prenatalogy Fellowship, Tehran university Medical Science and Health Services Faculty of Medicine, Oct 2013 – Mar 2014


  • Assistant Professor, Iran Medical Science University, 2015 to 2020
  • Avicenna Fertility Center perinatology clinic,2020 until now
  • Payambaran Hospital,perinatology clinic ,2020 until now

Teaching Experience:

  • Active in teaching of medical students, residents, and midwives.
  • Several lectures for GPs, Obstetrics and Gynecology trainees.

Clinical Experience:

  • Expert in high risk pregnancy management.
  • Expert in fetal sonography, fetal anomalies.
  • Expert in invasive diagnostic techniques: Amniocentesis, Chorionic villus sampling (CVS).
  • Gynecological disorders treatment.
  • Gynecological surgeries.

Other Activities:

  • translated 6 Chapters of Williams Obstetrics Edition 24,2014 to Persian.


  • FMF, 11‐13 Weeks scan FMF, Feb 2020
  • Ultrasound in Obstetrics, Fetal Echocardiography, Oct 2014 Fetal Echocardiography, Jan 2020 Fetal Neurosonography, Oct 2014, with teach Prof. Dario Paladini Fetal Neurosonography, Jan 2020, with teach Prof. Dario Paladini
  • Colposcopy course, Tehran medical science university
  • Diagnostic and Therapeutic Hysteroscopy course for gynecologists in laparoscopy training center of Tehran medical science university, 2011


  • Comparative efficacy of probiotic yoghurt and clindamycin in treatment of bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women: A randomized clinical trial, Journal of Maternal‐Fetal & Neonatal Medicine,2012 25(7) Sedigheh Hantoushzadeh1, Fateme Golshahi2, Pouya Javadian1,2, Soghra Khazardoost3, Shahnaz Aram4, Shahrzad Hashemi3, Bahare Mirarmandehi3 & Sedigheh Borna
  • Effects of Probiotic Supplementation on Metabolic Status in Pregnant Women: a Randomized, Double‐blind, Placebo‐Controlled Trial, Archives of Iranian Medicine, Volume 19, Number 10, October 2016. Mehri Jamilian MD1, Fereshteh Bahmani PhD2, Zahra Vahedpoor MD3, Ali Salmani BSc2, Maryam Tajabadi‐Ebrahimi PhD4, Parvaneh Jafari PhD5, Shahrzad Hashemi Dizaji MD6, Zatollah Asemi PhDƔ
  • The influences of vitamin D and omega‐3 co‐supplementation on clinical, metabolic and genetic parameters in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, Journal of affective disorders, 238 (2018) 32–3 Mehri Jamiliana, Mansooreh Samimib, Naghmeh Mirhosseinic, Faraneh Afshar Ebrahimib,Esmat Aghadavodd, Rezavan Talaeee, Sadegh Jafarnejadd, Shahrzad Hashemi Dizajif,_, Zatollah Asemid,_
  • Oxybutynin and Tolterodine in a Trial for Treatment of Overactive Bladder in Iranian Women, Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2014, jfrh.tums.ac.ir, Journal of Family and Reproductive Health Elham Aziminekoo; M.D.1, Zinat Ghanbari; M.D.2, Shahrzad Hashemi; M.D.2, Maryam Nemati; M.D.1, Fedyeh Haghollahi; M.D.1, Nasim Shokuhi; M.D.2
  • Prominent Complaint: a Guide to Medical Therapy of Overactive Bladder Syndrome in Older Women, Reproductive Health Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran, Acta Medica Iranica, Vol. 53, No. 2 (2015) Mina Jafarabadi, Zinat Ghanbari, Shahrzad Hashemi, Maryam Nemati, Fedyeh Haghollahi, and Elham Azimi Nekoo
  • The effect of a diet based on Iranian traditional (Persian) medicine versus a diet based on modern medicine on the birth weight of neonates with the history of asymmetric intrauterine growth restriction: a randomized clinical trial, world family medicine/middle east journal of world family medicine, journal vol99 issue 5641, Jan 2018 Yalda Rumi, Gholamreza Mohammadi‐Farsani, Seyed Mohammad Riahi, Shahrzad Hashemi –Dizaji, Mitra Mehrabani, Roshanak Mokaberinejad
  • First trimester determination of fetal gender by ultrasonographic measurement of anogenital distance: A cross‐ sectional study, International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine, vol17 issue 1,2019 Nazila Najdi1 M.D., Fatemeh Safi1 M.D., Shahrzad Hashemi‐Dizaji2 M.D., Ghazal Sahraian1 M.D., Yahya Jand3 M.D.
  • Comparison of the effect of balanced diets based on modern and Iranian traditional (Persian) medicine on the anthropometric indices of fetuses with asymmetric fetal growth retardation and their mothers: A randomized clinical trial, J Biochem tech (2018) special issue (2): 65‐74 Yalda Rumi, Roshanak Mokaberinejad, Shahrzad Hashemi –Dizaji, Gholamreza Mohammadi‐Farsani, Seyed Mohammad Riahi and Mitra Mehrabani*
  • Nutritional intervention in reducing the incidence of intrauterine growth restrcion: A review, Pharmacophore 8(6S) 2017, e‐1173393, Pages 8 Yalda Rumi, Shahrzad Hashemi Dizaji, Roshanak Mokaberinejad, Gholamreza Mohammadi‐ Farsani, Mitra Mehrabani
  • One case of improving weight gain in asymmetric fetal growth retardation with a Diet based on Iranian traditional medicine, Asian journal of clinical case reports for traditional and alternative medicine, Rumi et al. asian J clin case rep trad alt med. apr ‐ sep 2017; 1(2‐3): 17‐2 Yalda Rumi (M.D., Ph.D. Candidate, Roshanak Mokaberinejad M.D., Ph.D., Shahrzad Hashemi Dizaji M.D), Gholamreza Mohammadi‐Farsani M.D, Ph.D
  • Magnesium supplementation affects gene expression related to insulin and lipid in patients with gestational diabetes.Magnesium research MagnesRes. 2017 Aug 30(3):71‐79 doi: 10.1684/mrh.2017.0425 Jamilian M , Samimi M , Ear.aneh‐AE , Aghadavod E , Shahrzad HD, Chamani M , Mafi A AseL
  • Prediction of preterm birth using vaginal polymorphonuclear count and it's ratio to epithelial cells in Iranian women,RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES) 2019 , Volume 25 , Number 12 #l00497; Page(s) 1 To 7. MAZLOOMI MARYAM*, GHASEMI AFSANEH, Zandieh atefe, KADIVAR MARYAM, KARAMALI MARYAM, Hashemi dizaji Shahrzad, CHAMANI MARYAM
  • A randomized controlled clinical trial investigating the effects of omega‐3 fatty acids and vitamin E co‐supplementation on biomarkers of oxidative stress, inflammation and …,2017, Journal Canadian journal of. diabetes Volume 41 Issue 2 Mehri Jamilian, Shahrzad Hashemi Dizaji, Fereshteh Bahmani, Mohsen Taghizadeh, Mohammad Reza Memarzadeh, Maryam Karamali, Maryam Akbari, Zatollah Asemi

مرکز درمان ابن سینا

مرکز فوق تخصصی
درمان ناباروری و سقط مکرر ابن سینا،
شعبه تهران خیابان شریعتی,
نبش خیابان یخچال پلاک 97
آدرس در گوگل مپ

خط ویژه - 02123519

ساعات کار

شنبه : 8صبح تا 8عصر
یکشنبه : 8صبح تا 8عصر
دوشنبه : 8صبح تا 8عصر
سه شنبه : 8صبح تا 8عصر
چهارشنبه : 8صبح تا 8عصر
پنجشنبه : 8صبح تا 1عصر

نماد اعتماد الکترونیکی